Frequently Asked Questions

Is my data safe? Who will see the survey results? Are my answers connected to my name? 

Yes, your data is safe. We follow strict protocols as outlined by the Office of Research Integrity and the Institutional Review Board at the University of Kentucky. Learn more.

Survey results will be published. Anyone who is interested in the results will be able to access the results in aggregate (considered as a whole). 

No, your answers are not connected to you. Your name, contact information, and IP address will not be collected. Your individual answers will not be shared with anyone. Anywhere. Ever. 

Why participate? Who does it help? Will it make a difference?

Your participation will help your industry serve you better. Organizations need to understand who is part of their community. Once they do, they can work smarter. You have nothing to lose (but a few minutes of your time). 

Participating helps you. As organizations strive to be more inclusive, you can help leaders measure and respond to change by participating. 

Yes! The higher the response rate, the bigger the difference you can make. Demographic studies are most useful when everyone participates. Ensure that you are represented as a member of your professional organization and encourage others to participate too.

Will you collect and analyze demographic data for my organization? Can you help us find disparities and changes? Will you help us with a survey

Yes, we can work with you. Our work is specced on a per project basis. Let's get the conversation started to see if there's a love connection.